We believe you received the previous message we sent to you prior to your dealings with the U.S Custom Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy International Airport New York as regards to your over-due contract payment in a consignment trunk box worth $8,000.000.00 (Eight million dollars only) which was endorsed in your favor, like we stated earlier we have dully screened through this project as stipulated on our protocols of operation and have finally confirmed that your contract payment is 100% genuine and hitch free from all ilegal which you have the lawful right to claim your fund without any further delay.

I, Mr. James B. Comey Jr. Former Director-FBI is hereby announcing to you that your $8Million was received at JFK airport since and every necessary fees/charges has been paid by government of country origin except $275 for Custom Clearance Certificate CCC, but a Lady Mrs Jane Frederick came forward claimed that you sent her to claim your $8Million as your next of kin/representative, is it true? Did you order her to pay $275 for CUSTOM CLEARNACE CERTIFICATE (CCC)? Also be informed that we came to an agreement with the U.S Custom Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy Int'l Airport NYC that you will send $275 latest this morning. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR DETAILS ABOUT YOUR $8MILLION,Get back to us immediately you received this e-mail OK.And here is the information where you can send the $275.00 today Thanks and have a nice day.

Yours in service,
US Department Of FBI.

Christopher A Wray

from: Christopher A. Wray <nonco@icv-net.ne.jp>
reply-to: usdepartmentoffbi460@gmail.com

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