Why Do You Choose To Lose Your Funds??

Attention, Your first payment has been sent today via MoneyGram. You are advise to Contact MoneyGram with your full information to enable them give you Sender Name, Question and Answer to pick up your First Payment For more information contact Dr Dominic Stephen, reply back he'll keep sending you payment until your total fund is Completed.

Phone number

SMS ONLY  (331) 999-7965

Best Regards, Mrs Susan Kent.
Why Do You Choose To Lose Your Funds??

from: MRS SUSAN KENT <mrseniilmark@cantv.net>
reply-to: moneygramoffice111@citromail.hu
to: alvin.moore27@gmail.com
date: Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 7:57 PM
subject: Why Do You Choose To Lose Your Funds??

mailed-by: cantv.netencryption:Standard (TLS) 

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